Tendring Colchester Borders Garden Community Development

Hearing sessions (which are part of the overall Examination) are scheduled to take place between Tuesday 7 May and Friday 10 May 2024

The Planning Inspector has identified 9 Matters which will form the basis of the discussion at the hearing sessions. For each Matter there are a number of specific questions.

Matters Issues and Questions (MIQs) and Draft Hearings Programme with Session Participants (ref IC3)

The hearings will take the form of a discussion which will be lead by the Planning Inspector. They will be inquisitorial, rather than adversarial. They will not involve the formal presentation of cases by participants or cross-examination. The list of Matters, Issues and Questions will form the agenda for each session.

The Councils have produced a Hearing Statement for each of the 9 Matters. Other participants were also able to submit further statements on the questions of relevance to their original representation.

The information about the separate Matter and Hearing Session can be accesses via the button link below. All other relevant documents including summaries and responses to previous representations, the full evidence base, Statements of Common Ground, and other relevant documents are available in the Examination Library.