A133 off-peak vegetation clearance and carriageway investigation works commencing Monday 10th June 2024

Working on our behalf, Octavius Infrastructure will be undertaking vegetation clearance and carriageway investigation works along both sides of the A133 starting on Monday 10th of June 2024 between Slough Lane and Elmstead Road.


During these works, traffic management will be in place to ensure the safety of drivers and the contractor’s team.


This work is necessary as part of the first stages of construction of the new A1331 (Phase 1) between the A133 and Allen’s Farm, ensuring key transport infrastructure is delivered ahead of the development at the Tendring Colchester Border Garden Community.


Sunday 9/6/24 to Thursday 20/6/24

  • Lay-by closure 24/7


Monday 10/6/24 to Friday 14/6/24 & Monday 17/6/24 to Thursday 20/6/24

  • Eastbound Lane 1 closure (weekday off-peak only from 10am to 3pm).


Works on the westbound carriageway will be completed through collaborative working with BT Openreach, to minimise disruption to the road network.


Construction on the first phase of the A1331 is scheduled to begin this summer, to be completed in 2026.


For any enquiries about the advanced works or the wider scheme, please email  A1331@essexhighways.org.


To find out more about the scheme please visit: www.essexhighways.org/A1331