Colchester City Council Update – New Garden Waste Subscription Service

Colchester City Council New Garden Waste Subscription Service

From Monday 15 January, garden waste collections will become a subscription service for households in Colchester. You will be able to opt-in to the new service from November.

Opt-in to the Garden Waste Subscription Service

Our new service will:

  • be provided on an opt in basis with a £35 one off joining fee per bin and an annual service fee of £55 per bin which will be reviewed annually
  • offer residents a service for up to 4 wheeled bins per property
  • allow residents to share a bin between 2 or more properties
  • offer residents up to 25 collections a year
  • be a wheeled bin only service but with a choice of a standard wheeled bin or smaller wheeled bin
  • be available to all residents currently receiving a kerbside garden collection service
  • be available to all hard to reach properties accessible with one of our smaller bin lift lorries
  • offer the same assisted collection service as currently

Service start date

From Monday 15 January 2024, garden waste collections will become a subscription service. Unless you subscribe to the yearly subscription service, your garden waste will no longer be collected once the new service goes live.

Further information on opting in to the subscription service will be available at from 1 November 2023

What happens once you have opted-in

If you have ordered a bin, a bin with a permit attached will be delivered to your address.

If you already have a brown bin, a letter with a permit will be sent to you in the post.

If you do not receive a bin or a permit letter within 14 days, contact

Page last reviewed: 27 October 2023