Essex County Council (B1028 High Street, Wivenhoe )(Prohibition of Waiting/Loading/stopping)and (On Street Parking) (Amendment 34) Order 20**

The Essex County Council (Colchester Borough) (Prohibition of Waiting, Loading and Stopping) and (On Street Parking Places) (Civil Enforcement Area) (Amendment 34) Order 20**


Notice is hereby given that Essex County Council proposes to make the above Order under Sections 1(1), 2(1) to (3), 3(2), 4(1), 4(2), 32(1), 35(1), 45, 46, 49, 53 and Part III of Schedule 9 of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984.

Effect of the Order:


  1. To Revoke: Permit Holders Only Mon-Fri 7.45am to 8.45am on the below length of

road in the Borough of Colchester

Road Description
B1028 High Street East Side: From a point approximately 7 metres south of the common boundary of no. 104/106 High Street (Wivenhoe Library) and 108 High Street, south for a distance of approximately 12 metres



  1. To Implement: ‘No Waiting at Any Time’ Restrictions on the following length of road in the Borough of Colchester
Road Description
B1028 High Street East Side: From a point approximately 4 metres north of the common boundary of no. 104/106 High Street (Wivenhoe Library) and 102 High Street, northerly for a distance of approximately 23 metres



This order will be incorporated into the Essex County Council (Colchester Borough) (Prohibition of Waiting, Loading and Stopping) and (On Street Parking Places) (Civil Enforcement Area) Consolidation Order 2019 by substituting Tile number TM035 217 Rev 1 for Rev 2.


Further details: All associated documents for the proposed scheme are available on the Essex Highways website:

If you need to view a hard copy of these documents, please call 07786 125874 to arrange a suitable time to inspect the documents quoting the below reference number. Documents can be made available for inspection 8.30am-5.30pm Mon-Thurs and 8.30am-5pm on Friday at Essex County Council, County Hall E block main reception, Market Road, Chelmsford if so required.


Objections:  Anyone who wishes to object to the proposed scheme should send the grounds for their objection via e-mail

to quoting reference TRAF/7884, by 10/06/2022


Dated 19/05/2022
