Nightstop Essex ‘need the kindness of strangers’

Here is a little about Nightstop and how it works.

Nightstop prevents homelessness and its many risks through community hosting for 16-25 year olds. It helps young people who are in immediate housing crisis by providing safe accommodation in the homes of trained and vetted volunteers called ‘hosts’.

Nightstop hosts offer guests a spare room, a hot meal, a shower, and a listening ear, while the Nightstop staff team work with the young person to arrange longer-term accommodation. While Nightstop Essex is a new service in the area, there is already a network of 30+ Nightstop services working to prevent homelessness due to the kindness of our volunteer hosts across the country.

Nightstop has rigorous procedures in place to ensure the safety of our volunteers, as well as the young people we work with. All guests will be fully risk-assessed prior to staying with a host, to make sure that the service is safe for all involved. Nightstop volunteers are also fully vetted, trained, and provided with ongoing support to ensure they feel confident in their role.

Nightstop Essex are currently looking for volunteers:

– Volunteer Hosts, who have a spare room and live in the Chelmsford or Colchester area.

– Volunteer Drivers/Chaperones, who would be willing help young people arrive safely at a host’s home

We ask for your support in spreading the word of Nightstop in the local community! Either by word of mouth. The use of social media or in a newsletter!

To view a clip with a Nightstop host and young person please view here

Our Facebook page is now live do please like and share to raise awareness of our existence

Nightstop FAQs