Police Community Support Officer Upcoming Events

Essex Police – Wivenhoe’s local Police Community Support Officer Emma Wright will be having the following events in Wivenhoe.

Thursday 23rd February 2023 – PCSO Emma Wright will be at the Wivenhoe Library for a Community Event from 13:00 – 15:00 . Emma will be talking about her role as a PCSO, she will have colouring in sheets, uniform for the children to try on, crime prevention leaflets to give out and she will also be doing story time with the children.


Friday 10th March 2023 – PCSO Emma Wright will be outside ONESTOP, Vine Parade, Wivenhoe for Cops Outside Shops 12:00 – 14:00. Emma will have crime prevention leaflets to hand out and will be there for 2 hours if anyone would like to have a chat.


Saturday 18th March 2023 – PCSO Emma Wright will be at King George V Playing field again holding another  Wivenhoe Police Community Drop-In Clinic at 13:00 – 15:00.

This was a great success on the 15th of Feb in the Feb half term and the children who attended loved it and loved interacting with Emma and asking her questions. They all had a blast trying on the uniform, pressing the buttons in the car and taking away colouring in sheets!!

Emma will again have a marked police car at KING GEORGE V PLAYING FIELD for the children to look at and sit in, she will also have uniform for the children to try on, colouring in sheets to give away and she will also have crime prevention leaflets to give out to the local residents.

Kind Regards

PCSO Emma Wright