Wivenhoe Opportunities

Volunteering helps the whole community. The majority of events that we help to organise are fund raisers for town projects but also to offer financial support to local groups and organisations via the Mayors Fund, distributed at the Annual Town Meeting each year.
There are lots of benefits to volunteering, especially if you are new to the town or spend your working week away from Wivenhoe. You’ll get to meet new people and work alongside them to support your local area which is a great way to become part of the community. You never know who you might meet or what you might be asked to help with and it might even turn out to be something that you didn’t know you enjoyed.
Wivenhoe has a long history of being a unique community and volunteering is an enjoyable way to connect and be a part of a diverse group of people with many interesting ideas and experiences to share.

Wivenhoe Rowhedge Ferry

Support your local community by volunteering on the Ferry

Your foot ferry is run entirely by volunteers -we’d like to get some more people on board to make sure we can run the ferry as often as possible for the community.

Positions Available:

Skipper – you’re in charge of getting the boat between Rowhedge, Fingringhoe and Wivenhoe. You’ll need to have your PB2 License.

Crew – you’re in charge of taking the money, tying up the boat and stroking dogs.

If this sounds of interest and you’d like to give it a try, contact us at hello@wivenhoerowhedgeferry.co.uk and we’ll set up a taster session where you get to meet the skipper and crew on the boat for a few hours.

Wivenhoe Rowhedge Ferry

Support your local community by volunteering on the Ferry

Your foot ferry is run entirely by volunteers -we’d like to get some more people on board to make sure we can run the ferry as often as possible for the community.

Positions Available:

Skipper – you’re in charge of getting the boat between Rowhedge, Fingringhoe and Wivenhoe. You’ll need to have your PB2 License.

Crew – you’re in charge of taking the money, tying up the boat and stroking dogs.

If this sounds of interest and you’d like to give it a try, contact us at hello@wivenhoerowhedgeferry.co.uk and we’ll set up a taster session where you get to meet the skipper and crew on the boat for a few hours.

Wivenhoe Dementia Support Group

Working together with the local community

Providing support and information for people affected by dementia in the town and to make Wivenhoe a dementia-friendly community. To find out more visit our Facebook page or come along to the Friendly Club & Cafe
Wivenhoe Dementia Support Group

Working together with the local community

Providing support and information for people affected by dementia in the town and to make Wivenhoe a dementia-friendly community. To find out more visit our Facebook page or come along to the Friendly Club & Cafe
Medical Detection Dogs

Medical Detection Dogs are looking for volunteers

Medical Detections Dogs would love to hear from you. Don’t worry if you’re not an expert, we will provide all the training you need and will be ably assisted by canine helpers! For more information on volunteering opportunities please email: sara.backhousewood@medicaldetectiondogs.org.uk or call: 07862 32043.

Medical Detection Dogs

Medical Detection Dogs are looking for volunteers

Medical Detections Dogs would love to hear from you. Don’t worry if you’re not an expert, we will provide all the training you need and will be ably assisted by canine helpers! For more information on volunteering opportunities please email: sara.backhousewood@medicaldetectiondogs.org.uk or call: 07862 32043.

Chapel Museum

Wivenhoe Town Council.

The Chapel Museum is full of artifacts unique to the town and can be found in the heart of Wivenhoe New Cemetery. Open from 10am to 1pm, Saturdays and Sundays from May to September each year. If you would like to find out more about becoming a volunteer, please contact the council offices.

Chapel Museum

Wivenhoe Town Council.

The Chapel Museum is full of artifacts unique to the town and can be found in the heart of Wivenhoe New Cemetery. Open from 10am to 1pm, Saturdays and Sundays from May to September each year. If you would like to find out more about becoming a volunteer, please contact the council offices.

Community Minibus Drivers

Wivenhoe Town Council

Volunteer drivers are needed to take older residents to and from their Club meetings. If you have a full UK driving licence for groups including D1 with at least 2 years driving experience and are over 25 years of age we would love to hear from you.


Community Minibus Drivers

Wivenhoe Town Council

Volunteer drivers are needed to take older residents to and from their Club meetings. If you have a full UK driving licence for groups including D1 with at least 2 years driving experience and are over 25 years of age we would love to hear from you.


Community Radio

Colne Radio 106.6 FM.

Colne Radio is a not for profit community station run by volunteers based at the Business Centre in Wivenhoe. If you would like to volunteer please email: studio@colneradio.net or call: 01206 617877.

Community Radio

Colne Radio 106.6 FM.

Colne Radio is a not for profit community station run by volunteers based at the Business Centre in Wivenhoe. If you would like to volunteer please email: studio@colneradio.net or call: 01206 617877.

Essex Fire & Rescue Services

Essex Fire & Rescue.

Volunteers make a vital contribution to the work of Essex County Fire and Rescue Service offering their skills, knowledge and time to a variety of community safety initiatives, including home safety visits, heritage and education events, road safety and crime reduction activity. To find out more please call: 01376 576209 email: volunteers@essex-fire.gov.uk

Find us on Facebook.

Essex Fire & Rescue Services

Essex Fire & Rescue.

Volunteers make a vital contribution to the work of Essex County Fire and Rescue Service offering their skills, knowledge and time to a variety of community safety initiatives, including home safety visits, heritage and education events, road safety and crime reduction activity. To find out more please call: 01376 576209 email: volunteers@essex-fire.gov.uk

Find us on Facebook.

Essex Police

Essex Police.

Contact Essex Police to find out about working alongside them in everything from supporting victims of hate crime to managing community events and talking to schools and local businesses. Volunteers provide crucial support and work in their own time and with their own community.


Essex Police

Essex Police.

Contact Essex Police to find out about working alongside them in everything from supporting victims of hate crime to managing community events and talking to schools and local businesses. Volunteers provide crucial support and work in their own time and with their own community.



Colchester Foodbank.

Volunteers issue emergency food and offer advice and support for local people in crisis at Wivenhoe (Congregational Church Hall, CO7 9AB) Food bank open Tuesday: 11am – 1pm

To find out more, email: info@colchester.foodbank.org.uk or call: 01206 621998


Colchester Foodbank.

Volunteers issue emergency food and offer advice and support for local people in crisis at Wivenhoe (Congregational Church Hall, CO7 9AB) Food bank open Tuesday: 11am – 1pm

To find out more, email: info@colchester.foodbank.org.uk or call: 01206 621998

Helping Hands

Wivenhoe Helping Hands.

Wivenhoe Helping Hands was formed in 2010 as a non-profit community help scheme to provide a service to the people of Wivenhoe who lack their own means of transport. The drivers are all local residents. It is funded entirely by donations, grants and other activities.

It transports residents to doctors, dentists, hospital etc in Wivenhoe and for medical appointments in Colchester or Clacton. In addition, befrienders may be able to sit in whilst a carer takes a break, and collection of emergency prescriptions can be undertaken.

Helping Hands does not provide transportation for social events nor is it a replacement for statutory and recognised emergency services, however, special arrangements can be made on an ad hoc basis.

Telephone: 07834 452 764 Email address: wivenhoehelpinghands@gmail.com

Helping Hands

Wivenhoe Helping Hands.

Wivenhoe Helping Hands was formed in 2010 as a non-profit community help scheme to provide a service to the people of Wivenhoe who lack their own means of transport. The drivers are all local residents. It is funded entirely by donations, grants and other activities.

It transports residents to doctors, dentists, hospital etc in Wivenhoe and for medical appointments in Colchester or Clacton. In addition, befrienders may be able to sit in whilst a carer takes a break, and collection of emergency prescriptions can be undertaken.

Helping Hands does not provide transportation for social events nor is it a replacement for statutory and recognised emergency services, however, special arrangements can be made on an ad hoc basis.

Telephone: 07834 452 764 Email address: wivenhoehelpinghands@gmail.com

PRoW Volunteers

Essex County Council.

Volunteers can help with inspecting local footpaths, keeping routes clear of vegetation, removing route obstructions, etc. To find out more about your Wivenhoe group, visit Public Rights of Way.

PRoW Volunteers

Essex County Council.

Volunteers can help with inspecting local footpaths, keeping routes clear of vegetation, removing route obstructions, etc. To find out more about your Wivenhoe group, visit Public Rights of Way.

Wivenhoe Youth Hub

Wivenhoe Town Council

A shipping container was installed behind the Council Offices and Essex Youth Service consulted with 146 school children in the town to find out what they wanted. As a result, the new facility has a small café, TVs, music and games facilities in a safe and welcoming place for young people to get together.

Anne Lucking, lead volunteer on the project said “it’s so exciting to finally provide the teenagers of Wivenhoe their own space”, so if you are aged 13-17 and would like to get involved, please contact Anne and the team at: thewivehub@gmail.com or visit Facebook.

Wivenhoe Youth Hub

Wivenhoe Town Council

A shipping container was installed behind the Council Offices and Essex Youth Service consulted with 146 school children in the town to find out what they wanted. As a result, the new facility has a small café, TVs, music and games facilities in a safe and welcoming place for young people to get together.

Anne Lucking, lead volunteer on the project said “it’s so exciting to finally provide the teenagers of Wivenhoe their own space”, so if you are aged 13-17 and would like to get involved, please contact Anne and the team at: thewivehub@gmail.com or visit Facebook.