
An independent residents group open to all, working in partnership with Wivenhoe Town Council on nature recovery.

Working Group Members
Click names to see individual working group member information
Purpose of the group

1) To enhance Wivenhoe’s natural environment and biodiversity.
2) To help people and nature live together to mutual benefit.
3) To work to nature recovery principles, especially those of

a. nature conservation, in order to re-discover what natural biodiversity exists and can self-recover in Wivenhoe, and of
b. nature-led interventions and techniques to enhance the town’s biodiversity, natural
character and appearance where conservation approaches are unsuitable.


Open to all Wivenhoe residents without fee.

Structure and process:

Four meetings a year, open to all members.
Up to four co-Chairs to share administration, chair one meeting each p.a. and represent the Group as necessary.
Co-Chairs to be confirmed/elected at the first meeting of each year.
An Annual Report to be presented to the first meeting of the year and to the Town Council’s Environment Committee annually.


Most work will be in association with other residents and groups.
Key current affiliations are with

– Wivenhoe Town Council, esp. the Environment Committee and it’s Chair
– Transition Town Wivenhoe, for mutual support and publicity
– The Wivenhoe Society, esp. relating to the character, appearance and amenity of the town
– CBC, Wivenhoe in Bloom and WAGA, with regard to public spaces
– Beth Chatto’s for sponsorship of G4N

How do I get involved?
Send your details via the form below and we'll get back to you with more information.