April / May 2023 Essex Police Events

APRIL 2023 Police Community Support Officer Event for Wivenhoe Town

PCSO Emma Wright will be at Wivenhoe Library on Thursday 27th April 2023 10:00 – 12:00 holding an event – Meet your local PCSO.

Emma will have a marked police car, uniform for the children to try on, colouring in sheets for them to do and crime prevention information for the parents, carers and guardians. Why not pop along and come and say hi.

Meet Our PCSO | Essex Libraries

MAY 2023 Police Community Support Officer Events for Wivenhoe Town & Police Reporting Methods

PCSO Emma Wright will be outside Wivenhoe COOP, 2 The Avenue, CO7 9AH on Thursday 11th May 2023 12:00 – 14:00

PCSO Emma Wright will have crime prevention information to give out and will be available to talk for 2 hours outside the store if you would like to meet her or ask for any advice.

PCSO Emma Wright will be at King George V Playing Field on Sunday 21st May 12:00 – 14:30 for another Police Community Drop In Clinic.

Come along to King George V Playing field and meet Wivenhoe’s local PCSO Emma Wright. She will have a marked police car, uniform for the children to try on, crime prevention information and more.



This is a link should anyone require advice as to how to report incidents to Police and if they have any questions or need any advice.

Help us help you | Essex Police

This part of the website is broken down into sections to make it easier to navigate:-

  1. 999 Reporting
  2. Crime Prevention Information
  3. Non-Emergency Reporting – 101
  4. Sharing Information
  5. Live Chat
  6. Reporting ASB and much more.