Wivenhoe Town Council’s plans for the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee 2-5 June 2022
Wivenhoe Town Council, with the ROAC Group, are making plans to celebrate the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee in 2022 in Wivenhoe and all residents are invited. The Queen will become the first British Monarch to celebrate a Platinum Jubilee, seventy years of service, having acceded to the throne on 6 February 1952 and WTC hope you will join us on this extended bank holiday weekend to celebrate this special event.
Thursday 2 June- Concert & Beacon Lighting
Wivenhoe Town Council presents a concert in the evening on the KGV Playing Field. This will be followed by the lighting of the beacon at 9.45pm, in line with the national beacon lighting across the country as it gets dark, to mark this special day. The concert will start at 6pm with Foxtrot Oskar followed by Beautiful Dangerous at 7.45pm. The event will be ticketless, with all donations going to the WTC Community Fund. Food and drinks will be available.

Friday 3 June- The Ritz in Wivenhoe
The Reaching Out at Christmas voluntary group are holding an afternoon tea. Up to 45 guests will be invited by ROAC to enjoy ‘The Ritz in Wivenhoe’ with an afternoon tea party at the William Loveless Hall which be decorated in Jubilee bunting. Diners will have traditional sandwiches, cakes and scones served with style whilst being entertained by acclaimed Wivenhoe Shanty Crew, The Hoolies.
Saturday 4 June- Fete on the King George V Playing Field
Wivenhoe Town Council are holding a Jubilee fete from 12-6pm on the King George V Playing Field. There will be stalls, activities, food, drinks and live music. If you are a local group, charity or business and you would like to have a stall, please contact the Town Clerk on townclerk@wivenhoe.gov.uk. The line-up of bands will be released soon.
Sunday 5 June- Street Parties & Picnic in the Park
Every year since the idea began in 2009 The Big Lunch organisation has been encouraging communities to celebrate their connections and get to know each other better. This year The Big Jubilee Lunch will invite people to come together with their friends and neighbours to celebrate the Jubilee. You can get further information on holding a street party of your own where you live, with advice on street closures and tips, on the government website www.platinumjubilee.gov.uk or www.streetparty.org.uk .
If you are unable to hold your own street party, residents are welcome to have a Jubilee picnic on the King George V Playing Field. All you need to do is contact the council and let them know your plans so that we can work with you to make sure that your event will be held safely. To book your space please contact the Town Clerk on townclerk@wivenhoe.gov.uk – you will be expected to provide tables, chairs, gazebos and so on and clear away afterwards.
The Council would love to know how people are planning on celebrating the Jubilee in Wivenhoe, so please let them know if you are organising any sort of celebration. They look forward to hearing from you!