Clifton Terrace car park update 19 February 2025


Wivenhoe Town Council have made it very clear that:


  1. the Oak and Horse Chestnut trees in the Clifton Terrace Car Park and play park will not be felled before 31 March 2025; and
  2. that T&LC Tree And Lawn Company Ltd have been employed to undertake crown reduction to both trees on Thursday 20th February 2025; and that
  3. once the crown reduction work has been completed the Council will remove the remaining fencing.


T&LC Tree And Lawn Company Ltd recommend a 50% reduction in the crowns, with shaping. On this basis the Council have accepted the advice and recommendation of T&LC Tree And Lawn Company Ltd not to net the trees thereafter. A bat survey has been undertaken, and T&LC Tree And Lawn Company Ltd will carry out their own final check as part of their standard procedure prior to the works.


The Council sincerely hope that the crown reduction works are allowed to proceed safely, without any interference with or abuse of those undertaking the work.


The Council have asked the insurers of the affected properties on Clifton Terrace to disclose publicly the expert reports and data that they have obtained. The Council have been authorised to publish the following:

Site Investigation Data – High Street Car Park – Wivenhoe Town Council


The Council continue to press insurers for disclosure of all expert reports and data that they have obtained.


The Council have agreed not to fell the trees before 31 March 2025 to facilitate the protest group obtaining their own independent expert evidence upon (i) the cause of the damage to the affected properties on Clifton Terrace, and (ii) if the expert determines the cause (on balance of probability) to be one or more of the tees, the viable options to remedy that situation. The date of 07 March was provisionally agreed on 24 January, confirmed on 12 February, and has since been extended to 31 March at the request of the protesters. No expert evidence has been provided to date.


For the avoidance of doubt, the Council is concerned to identify the most viable remedy if it is determined that the trees are the likely cause of the damage.    


Finally, the Council invite all those concerned to ensure that communication is civil, and accurate. The Council is aware of inappropriate communication directed to the Council, Councillors, Council staff and employed contractors that the Council will not tolerate. Such communication will be monitored, collated, and referred where appropriate